The Ball Piston Engine 1)The Ball Piston engine developed in the United States of America is a brilliantly innovative and exciting design. The whole engine functions like a large ball bearing. A prototype has been made , and the site is well designed with , animations and graphs to show the performance of the engine. The dyna cam engine 2) The dyncam engine uses , cams instead of connecting rods to push the pistons up and down the cylinder. The engine is due to go into production and has received wide-spread interest. The Perlex Engine 3) The perlex engine is another novel engine design and can run on diesel , gasoline or propane and what is really amazing all three types of fuel simultaneously. | click article titles to link:
The Elliptical Rotary EngineAnother variation of the Wankel , but using advanced computer aided calculations to determine the shape of the Rotary Piston. The designer of this engine would appreciate your help in solving some of his problems. The Graphics and animations are out-standing.
The Rotary Opposed Piston Engine
This is another good design , the engine is extremely compact and the Graphics and animations are good. Unfortunately the site is down at the moment , but the inventor Dan McCoin tells me that he will be putting up a new improved site aoon. He is also working on building a working proto-type.
The Gyro X Car
A well documented site of a startling invention , namely a gyroscopic car , well worth looking into.
The Mogen Motor
A new design for a opposed piston operated generator which if it works as claimed will replace almost all other systems , however there are doubts if the efficiency of the alternator could reach those of a turbo-alternator which is able to achieve its extremely high performance because of the high rpm at which the generator rotates , in excess of 50K , still a development well worth watching.